#!/bin/bash # casts an i ching # use: ching [number] # with number looks up that hexagram, otherwise casts function cast { l=0 until [ $l == 6 ] do i=0 k=0 until [ $i == 3 ] do j=`cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '0-9' | fold -w 1 | head -1` let j=j%2 if [ $j == 0 ] then j=2 else j=3 fi let i=i+1 let k=k+j done let k=k%2 if [ $k == 0 ] then echo -n ":" else echo -n "|" fi let l=l+1 done echo } if [ "$1" ] then if [ "$1" -gt 0 ] && [ "$1" -lt 65 ] then if [ $SSH_TTY ] then lynx "http://www.afpc.asso.fr/wengu/wg/wengu.php?no=$1&l=Yijing" else open "http://www.afpc.asso.fr/wengu/wg/wengu.php?no=$1&l=Yijing" fi exit fi fi hex=`cast` echo $hex | sed 's/:/------ ------/g;s/|/---------------/g' | fold -w 15 cat $0 | grep $hex | awk '{ printf $1 ") ";for(i=3;i<=NF;i++) printf $i " "}' echo exit 01 |||||| Force (乾 qián) The Creative 02 :::::: Field (坤 kūn) The Receptive 03 |:::|: Sprouting (屯 chún) Difficulty at the Beginning 04 :|:::| Enveloping (蒙 méng) Youthful Folly 05 |||:|: Attending (需 xū) Waiting 06 :|:||| Arguing (訟 sòng) Conflict 07 :|:::: Leading (師 shī) The Army 08 ::::|: Grouping (比 bǐ) Holding Together 09 |||:|| Small Accumulating (小畜 xiǎo chù) Small Taming 10 ||:||| Treading (履 lǚ) Treading (Conduct) 11 |||::: Prevading (泰 tài) Peace 12 :::||| Obstruction (否 pǐ) Standstill 13 |:|||| Concording People (同人 tóng rén) Fellowship 14 ||||:| Great Possessing (大有 dà yǒu) Great Possession 15 ::|::: Humbling (謙 qiān) Modesty 16 :::|:: Providing-For (豫 yù) Enthusiasm 17 |::||: Following (隨 suí) Following 18 :||::| Corrupting (蠱 gǔ) Work on the Decayed 19 ||:::: Nearing (臨 lín) Approach 20 ::::|| Viewing (觀 guān) Contemplation 21 |::|:| Gnawing Bite (噬嗑 shì kè) Biting Through 22 |:|::| Adorning (賁 bì) Grace 23 :::::| Stripping (剝 bō) Splitting Apart 24 |::::: Returning (復 fù) Return 25 |::||| Without Embroiling (無妄 wú wàng) Innocence 26 |||::| Great Accumulating (大畜 dà chù) Great Taming 27 |::::| Swallowing (頤 yí) Mouth Corners 28 :||||: Great Exceeding (大過 dà guò) Great Preponderance 29 :|::|: Gorge (坎 kǎn) The Abysmal Water 30 |:||:| Radiance (離 lí) The Clinging 31 ::|||: Conjoining (咸 xián) Influence 32 :|||:: Persevering (恆 héng) Duration 33 ::|||| Retiring (遯 dùn) Retreat 34 ||||:: Great Invigorating (大壯 dà zhuàng) Great Power 35 :::|:| Prospering (晉 jìn) Progress 36 |:|::: Brightness Hiding (明夷 míng yí) Darkening of the Light 37 |:|:|| Dwelling People (家人 jiā rén) The Family 38 ||:|:| Polarising (睽 kuí) Opposition 39 ::|:|: Limping (蹇 jiǎn) Obstruction 40 :|:|:: Taking-Apart (解 xiè) Deliverance 41 ||:::| Diminishing (損 sǔn) Decrease 42 |:::|| Augmenting (益 yì) Increase 43 |||||: Parting (夬 guài) Breakthrough 44 :||||| Coupling (姤 gòu) Coming to Meet 45 :::||: Clustering (萃 cuì) Gathering Together 46 :||::: Ascending (升 shēng) Pushing Upward 47 :|:||: Confining (困 kùn) Oppression 48 :||:|: Welling (井 jǐng) The Well 49 :|||:| Skinning (革 gé) Revolution 50 |:|||: Holding (鼎 dǐng) The Cauldron 51 |::|:: Shake (震 zhèn) Arousing 52 ::|::| Bound (艮 gèn) The Keeping Still 53 ::|:|| Infiltrating (漸 jiàn) Development 54 ||:|:: Converting The Maiden (歸妹 guī mèi) The Marrying Maiden 55 |:||:: Abounding (豐 fēng) Abundance 56 ::||:| Sojourning (旅 lǚ) The Wanderer 57 :||:|| Ground (巽 xùn) The Gentle 58 ||:||: Open (兌 duì) The Joyous 59 :|::|| Dispersing (渙 huàn) Dispersion 60 ||::|: Articulating (節 jié) Limitation 61 ||::|| Centre Confirming (中孚 zhōng fú) Inner Truth 62 ::||:: Small Exceeding (小過 xiǎo guò) Small Preponderance 63 |:|:|: Already Fording (既濟 jì jì) After Completion 64 :|:|:| Not-Yet Fording (未濟 wèi jì) Before Completion