# v0.4 function for .bashrc/.kshrc
function el {
[ "$el" ] && {
if [ -d $el ]; then cd $el ; else export el=; fi
case $1 in
-a)o=A; shift;;
-e)[ "$el" ] && cd - >/dev/null; export el=$2;return;;
-h)echo "find/edit files in basedir matching all args"
echo "use: el [-a|-e
|-g|-h|-z] [search terms]"
echo " -a include hidden files"
echo " -e set \$el"
echo " -h help"
echo " -g go to \$el ($el)"
echo " -z show basedir (\$el, defaults to current dir if unset)"
-z)echo ${el:-$(pwd)}; [ "$el" ] && cd - >/dev/null; return;;
[ $1 ] || {
ls -p$o; [ "$el" ] && cd - >/dev/null; return
eval $(ls -p$o | awk -v z="$*" '
BEGIN { split(z,a," ") }
for( x in a ) if( $0 !~ a[x] ) t=0
if( t ) {
if( $0 !~ /\/$/ ) b[++i] = $0
c[++j] = $0
if( i == 1 ) {
print "$EDITOR \"" b[1] "\"; [ \"$el\" ] && cd - >/dev/null; return;"
} else for(k=1;k<=j;k++) print "j[" k "]=\"" c[k] "\";"
echo " 0) $*"
while [[ $i -lt ${#j[@]} ]];do i=$(($i+1));echo " $i) ${j[$i]}";done
read -e -p " $el$ "
if [ "$REPLY" == "0" ];then
$EDITOR "$*"
elif [ "$(echo $REPLY | awk '/^[1-9]/')" ] && [ "${j[$REPLY]}" ];then
$EDITOR "${j[$REPLY]}"
elif [ ${#REPLY} -ne 0 ]; then
unset i j
[ "$el" ] && cd - >/dev/null