# -----------------------------------------------------------------# # MP3RM for OS X - README # # -----------------------------------------------------------------# Downloads .rm files, encodes them as .mp3, and adds them to iTunes. This script requires some setup, or it wont work. # -----------------------------------------------------------------# # YOU NEED: # # -----------------------------------------------------------------# realplayer for mac, or helix codecs -- i haven't tried this but apparently at http://helixcommunity.org you can get the codecs without installing realplayer. mplayerosx --------------------------- fink version does NOT work for this. you need the latest ffmpegX binaries from http://mplayerosx.sourceforge.net (ffmpegXbinaries20050814.zip when I last checked), which are compiled with real media support. recommend placing them in /usr/local/bin/. LAME mp3 encoder ----------------------------- available through fink. # -----------------------------------------------------------------# # GETTING IT WORKING: # # -----------------------------------------------------------------# Once you have installed mplayer you need to create a folder in /Library/Application Support/ called ffmpegX: mkdir /Library/Application\ Support/ffmpegX Then you have to create a symbolic link to the real media codecs in that folder. If you have RealPlayer.app installed they will be located inside the app bundle. Ctrl-click on RealPlayer.app and pick "Show Package Contents". Navigate to Contents/Frameworks/HXClientKit.framework/HelixPlugins/Codecs and you will see them. Once you are sure they are there, issue the following command in the terminal. It will make a link called reallib that points to the Codecs folder: ln -s /Applications/RealPlayer.app/Contents/Frameworks/HXClientKit.framework/HelixPlugins/Codecs /Library/Application\ Support/ffmpegX/reallib If RealPlayer.app is located somewhere else or you have downloaded just the Helios codecs you must modify the command to point correctly to the codecs. Now the realmedia codecs are available to mplayer. Finally, open the mp3rm script in an editor and enter the correct user variables, and copy it somewhere in your PATH. You may need to make it executible: chmod +x mp3rm # -----------------------------------------------------------------# # HOW TO USE: # # -----------------------------------------------------------------# Most of the time you will see .ram files online - which are for streaming, and not what you usually want to download. They act as pointers to the actual content, which is in a .rm file. The nice thing is, if you open the .ram file in a text editor usually you will find the url to the .rm file you are looking for in plain text. If you call mp3rm with a .ram file as its argument, it will parse and printout the file's content, and prompt you to try again with the .rm file as the argument. Given a good .rm url the script will download the .rm to the current folder, convert it to .wav, then to .mp3, import the .mp3 to itunes (this assumes you have Itunes set to make copies of everything imported in its Library), and then moves all the created files to the Trash. With only a url as argument, defaults to setting the id3 TITLE tag to the filename. After the url, additional arguments will set TITLE ARTIST and ALBUM.